Firefox and GMail

Matt Harrison matt.harrison82 at
Thu Apr 16 03:05:03 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Tab Gilbert <tabbox at> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 21:40, Matt Harrison <matt.harrison82 at>wrote:
>> Has anyone else had problems with Firefox (in 9.04) logging them out of
>> Gmail randomly...
>> For example, I close Firefox after checking my e-mail and walk away from
>> the computer (nothing put to sleep, nothing turned off, just idle) and when
>> I come back and launch Firefox and go to Gmail I have been logged out even
>> though I told it to keep me signed in.
>> Not sure what other info someone might need, but if more is needed I would
>> be happy to provide what I can.
>> Gmail is always doing strange things with me.  I think I am on their
> "experiment with" list.  Do you have more than one Gmail account?  It gets
> confused sometimes when I log in and out of various accounts.
> Is  delete cookies on shut down active?
> Running anything from Google Labs?
> Are you running 25 add-ons like me?
> Have you tried deleting the Gmail cookies and doing a "fresh" log-in?
> tab
> 9.04
> No Delete Cookies on Shut Down is not's set to When They Expire

Only Labs option I am running is the Title Bar Tweak, but I just turned that
on today, and this problem was occuring before that.

No add-ons

Just tried deleting all of the cookies and logging back in so we will see
how that works.

Just occured that I didn't put this in my original e-mail, but I am also
running CheckGMail, but I have never had a problem with Firefox and
CheckGMail on 8.10, just since I installed 9.04.


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