GNOME Partition Editor - evolved into problem with chmod

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Tue Apr 14 08:40:22 UTC 2009

Nils Kassube wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 04/03/2009 12:11 PM, Bret Busby wrote:
>>> I don't know whether blkid has to be run as a superuser, but, when
>>> I ran the command, I got no response.
>> Then you may have system issues. blkid (provided with libblkid1) is
>> installed by default & should require no 'sudo/superuser' status to
>> run.
> On my system (kubuntu 8.04) I need sudo if I want to get any output from 
> blkid.

Same for me.  blkid as me prints nothing and returns 2, while sudo blkid
prints the uids, and returns 0.

Also 8.04

Matt Flaschen

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