Setting up Ubuntu on a raided system

Alan Chandler alan at
Sat Apr 11 12:40:15 UTC 2009

I have been a long time Debian Sid User, but I would like to explore the 
more structured release cycle that Ubuntu offers.

I downloaded the latest 9.04beta .iso and started to install, but unlike 
the debian installer, it didn't appear to offer an option to load up the 
raid software, so the partitioning options concentrated only on one 
offering to repartition my disks without raid applied.

I am running a Raid1 system, with a boot, root and LVM partition all 
raided (and with grub separately installed in the mbr of each of the 
disks).  The fourth partition on each disk is set up as swap

Much of this data must not be lost, so what I have done in the past with 
a Debian install is initiate the raid and lvm systems, and then tell the 
installation manually each raid device (/dev/md1 etc) and lvm lv 
(/dev/raid/xxx etc) with its existing filesystem type and postition in 
the directory hierarchy before installing the software.

For ubuntu is there either

a) an ability to invoke the debian style non graphical installer that 
has these additional options, or

b) do some form of upgrade by changing the /etc/apt/sources.list and 
getting it to re-install all my software.

Alan Chandler

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