3GiB ram, gnome-system-monitor now says 2.9GiB

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Mon Apr 6 15:12:55 UTC 2009

Liam Proven wrote:
> 2009/4/6 J. Limon <jlimon at eml.cc>:
>> Just for comparison, htop reports 3016MB.
>> - J. Limon
> 3016MB *is* 2.9GB.


3016 MB * 10^6 bytes/MB * 1 GB/10^9 bytes =
3.016 GB

just like you would expect.  And

3016 MB * 10^6 bytes/MB * 1 GiB/2^30 bytes =
2.808 GiB

> 3GiB = 1024 * 3 = 3072MiB

True so far.

> 3016/3072 = 2.9453125 = 2.9GiB

Except, that's totally bogus.  Besides the fact that you obviously meant
1024, not 3072...

If the quotient is in GiB, and the dividend is in MB.

MB/? = GiB
MB/GiB = ?

So how many MB are there in a GiB, really?

1 GiB * 2^30 bytes/GiB * 1 MB/10^6 bytes = 1073.7 MB

NOT 1024 MB.

Matt Flaschen

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