Installing mysql-server doesn't create any users

Hal Burgiss hal at
Thu Apr 2 21:14:26 UTC 2009

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Preston Hagar <prestonh at> wrote:

> mysql -p mysql
> I enter the password I created during install but still get
> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
> password: YES)

Normally on a fresh clean install, you can do 'sudo mysql', and you
get the mysql shell. In fact, I've always had to take the trouble to
force a password for root. But I usually do a server install and it
just seems to happen in all the right places.

Was there something on this system previously that might be causing
some confusion?

I've never had trouble with a mysql installation. I would be inclined
to do a 'remove --purge', then look around the filesystem (like in
/var/lib/mysql), and phsyically remove any pieces I found, and then
start fresh.


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