
Steve Reilly sfreilly at
Wed Apr 1 21:34:46 UTC 2009

Kjetil Halvorsen wrote:
> Hola!
> I want to experiment with plone. I installed zope/plone (site-plone3)
> from synaptic, but what to do
> from there? I can find no entries in ubuntu menu Applications.
> Kjetil
> -- 
> "Mathematics is not the rigid and rigidity-producing schema that the
> layman thinks it is; rather, in it we find ourselves at that meeting
> point of constraint and freedom that is the very essence of human
> nature."    
>                                     - Hermann Weyl

plone isnt an application you run like say open office or gimp.  its
installed on a webserver and runs through a web browser.  you may want
to take a look at the install docs and support pages, etc on plones


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