Help recovering information from Windows
glgxg at
Tue Sep 30 17:53:58 UTC 2008
On 09/30/2008 09:55 AM, Amanda Farr wrote:
> Thanks, That sounds like a good idea.
> Does the hard drive need to have been partitioned for the cd to mount the
> drive? Because there's a good chance that it wasn't.
[Please bottom post]
Knoppix loads to memory, so even if the drive is completely hosed or
disconnected knoppix will load, as will systemrescue and ultimate boot.
Just make sure that you have your bios set to boot from CD.
Once in knoppix then yes, the drive will have to have been formated to
something (fat32, ntsf, ext3, ext2, etc) for it to be mountable in
knoppix. However, even if the data is messed up, as long at the
partition table is still good you should be able to see something on the
drive. If the data appears to be good (you can see files, directories
etc.) then you just might just need fix the MBR (Master Boot Record) to
get it to boot back into windows.
I think this thread is liable to go pretty much off-topic for this list,
so perhaps it would be better to take it off-list? You can drop me an
email directly if you wish. I can't speak for Mark Haney - but I'd be
willing to bet that he'd also help you off list if you ask (ask him here
on the list first of course :-).
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