how to play .swf file on ubuntu, hardy

Ulin the Tech Mage ulinthetechmage at
Tue Sep 30 15:41:57 UTC 2008

Mark Haney wrote:
> Ulin the Tech Mage wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Nay Myo Win wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Nay Myo Win <rim.riaz at> wrote:
>>>>> help me please!!
>>> I would suggest that you ask better questions.  Most people will just 
>>> ignore
>>> a message that says nothing more than "help me please" - especially with
>>> multiple exclamations.
>>> And if you don't get a response after 4 days, you should probably 
>>> assume you
>>> didn't ask a very good question.
>> remember guys that the panick threshold is lower for newbies. it takes 
>> them a while to mature to where you are mentally. we need to be more 
>> nurturing towards them
> I agree with some of that.  However, 'help me' doesn't /begin/ to cover 
> what may or may not be the problem.  How many times have we been asked 
> 'what's wrong?' and get back 'it don't work'?
> Surely, even the n00bs should know the minimum requirements for asking a 
> question about a problem.  I mean, Derek has quite a valid point.  We 
> don't KNOW what the problem is becuase we don't know /anything/ about 
> his setup and what he's tried.
I agree, but at the same time, I have seen time and time again where the 
n00bs think that is kinda snobish. I do tech support for a software 
company and i have to be carefull about how my tone and the way my 
questions some accross to the customer.
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