GUI goodness for your Mouse and Keyboard programming

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Sep 30 15:14:55 UTC 2008

On 09/30/2008 07:05 AM, Gilles Gravier wrote:

> Third, I note, after installing the software, that past the
> installation, the software than procedes to DOWNLOAD drivers. In terms
> of, say, GPL license, this means that additional downloaded software
> isn't considered BUNDLED software. It's not part of the original PROJECT
> code. So they could have a completely proprietary application with a
> nice installer... and that application could then download perfectly
> GPLed drivers... and all they'd have to provide source code for
> (possibly just in the form of a link on their site, again) would be the
> drivers, but not their proprietary code. GPL only concerns code that is
> linked into an original GPL project. By using a separate download of
> code, they segment their stuff into separate projects, thus breaking the
> GPL link.

License is here:

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