GUI goodness for your Mouse and Keyboard programming

Albert Charron albert at
Tue Sep 30 14:45:20 UTC 2008

Heike C. Zimmerer wrote:
> Apart from all that, I don't wish to see ads for whatever software
> someone may have written here.
So, basically, you don't want people to give "hints" on nice projects 
that may lead to a higher acceptance of Linux? I don't consider the 
original message as an ad... The guy found this interesting piece of 
software and shared its discovery with the community... that's it... 
It's not as if the guy said "Look what we have to offer you for x amount 
of money"... that would be ad... and spam... You might agree with me or 
not, that's not the point... you don't like that, that's fine... but 
some people are happy that this link was posted here...

  Albert Charron
  Linux Counter member #157482
  Registered computers: 387105, 387106

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