video does not display in FireFox 3.0.3

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Mon Sep 29 05:22:30 UTC 2008

Jay Ridgley wrote:
> Folks,
> I have been having problems getting video to display since the 
> installation of FF 3.0 on my Gnome based 8.04 system, even with the most 
> recent download and upgrade to FF 3.0.3. As near as I can tell I am not 
> missing anything...
> The video player appears to function, at least the audio stream 
> associated with it works, however, the video itself does not display in 
> the window opened by the player. It is just a plain white screen... What 
> have I done wrong or failed to obtain that will resolve this problem?
> Thanks,
> Jay
If you're talking about a Flash Video like on Youtube then you the Adobe 
Flash Player.  If you goto Youtube and try to play a video Firefox 3 
should have a message at the top of the window saying a plugin is needed 
and when you click install it should download and install the Flash Player.

That's what I did and it worked the first time.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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