video does not display in FireFox 3.0.3

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at
Sun Sep 28 21:37:51 UTC 2008


I have been having problems getting video to display since the 
installation of FF 3.0 on my Gnome based 8.04 system, even with the most 
recent download and upgrade to FF 3.0.3. As near as I can tell I am not 
missing anything...

The video player appears to function, at least the audio stream 
associated with it works, however, the video itself does not display in 
the window opened by the player. It is just a plain white screen... What 
have I done wrong or failed to obtain that will resolve this problem?



Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at
Registered Linux User ID - 9115
Registered Ubuntu User ID - 23320

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