Please help me mount my data HD

Karl Larsen k5di at
Sun Sep 28 11:18:30 UTC 2008

Mark Haney wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>> Mark Haney wrote:
>>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>> Edgar Sarino wrote:
>>>>> To ubuntu-users,
>>>>> Greetings.  I am new to ubuntu, but I thought that I would give it a try.
>>>>> I have a Dell Precision with two SCSI HDs - a 36 GB HD (onto which I installed ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition) and a data 137 GB HD, which I left alone.  I thought that the installer would automatically reformat both drives - instead, it left the 137 GB HD alone, and when I try to access it or view it, I get an error message which states that the drive has the NTFS file system and is therefore umountable.
>>>>> Question: How do I reformat the drive, and/or make the drive mountable?
>>>>> Thanks for your attention to this matter.
>>>>> - Edgar Sarino
>>>>     Well you need to make a partition on the 137 GB drive. If it was me 
>>>> I would make several partitions and make partition 4 a Extended 
>>>> partition. So to start make a partition large enough for your storage 
>>>> needs.
>>> Why do you suggest that?  Why 4 partitions?  Why not one?  He states 
>>> he's new to Ubuntu so why confuse him? What is his storage needs?  You 
>>> fail to explain how to make a partition that isn't the entire drive.
>>>>     You make the partitions with "fdisk" which you have on your Ubuntu. 
>>>> It works like this:
>>>>     $ sudo fdisk -l
>>>> will list all the hard drives. Then use fdisk /dev/sdb if that is right, 
>>>> and then make your partitions and make them Linux.
>>>>     Now you need to put a filesystem on the partition and that is done 
>>>> like this:
>>>> $ sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 if it is the first partition on the second 
>>>> hard drive. This will happen and then you can mount it to your Ubuntu to 
>>>> use it.
>>> Okay, but what about the other 3 partitions you had him put on there? 
>>> What does he do with those?  You're /not/ going to just leave him with 
>>> on formatted partition on that second drive are you?
>>> Plus, how is ubuntu going to mount the drive (fine, partition)?  If it 
>>> didn't see it correctly to begin with, it's not likely to be in 
>>> /etc/fstab.  Or if it is, it'll be the wrong fstype (assuming it mounts 
>>> the drive RO).
>>> Karl, you only gave him hints on how to do things, and introduced 
>>> variables he did NOT need (i.e. the 4 partitions).  You are making this 
>>> relatively simple procedure an order of magnitude more complicated.
>>> Please, unless you can give /complete/ detailed (or semi-detailed) 
>>> instructions, DON'T GIVE INSTRUCTIONS.
>>> I'm asking nicely.
>>     No your not. Your trying to make me look stupid. If you dislike what 
>> I write please delete the message.
>> Karl
> How am I trying to make you look stupid?  I asked serious questions. 
> Why do you suggest 4 partitions?
> How is he supposed to handle the 3 empty partitions you suggest he create?
> How does he setup mounting the drive if ubuntu doesn't?
> I ask this because this is part of the problem.  People giving people 
> incomplete instructions that leave them more baffled than if they had 
> been told nothing.
> I've been asked to be nicer to you.  And I am trying.  I'm giving you 
> the chance to explain your answer better.  I'm also encouraging you to 
> complete your thoughts BEFORE posting them to the list.
> I /do/ dislike what you posted. Because it's incomplete and because it 
> has advice that has no justification whatsoever.  I will NOT delete or 
> ignore it because you CONTINUE to post incomplete or just plain BAD 
> information.
> This list is to help people with their linux problems, not create more 
> because you either don't understand enough to offer complete 
> information, or you assume they know exactly what you are saying either 
> by osmosis or The Force.  I don't know.
> You are NOT considering your audience, in this case the OP and assuming 
> details they probably do not know.  That's a good way to a) have them 
> destroy a system or b) make it so difficult they get frustrated and move 
> away from linux altogether.
> I will say this, stop pointing the finger at me and everyone else 
> critical of you for this.  Learn how to explain things to the list, 
> think before you post and people like me will give you a break.
> In every case, you've done nothing wrong, it's OUR fault.  I've yet to 
> see a mea culpa from you, or ANY kind of justification for ANY advice 
> you offer to people when questioned about the reasoning behind it.  If 
> you can't defend your position, then don't offer it.
> I asked those questions not to insult your intelligence but to find out 
> WHY you recommend those things.  Your pointing the accusatory finger at 
> me just makes other people think you have no idea what your talking 
> about.  I'm GIVING you the chance to defend your position.  WHY do you 
> suggest 4 partitions for a data drive?  What possible purpose would that 
> have?
> But, I see you can't, or won't justify it, or explain it.  I'm wasting 
> my breath getting you to see the fact that you are NOT helping these 
> people by offering half-baked and half-explained solutions.  This is 
> about you being 'stupid'.  In fact, this isn't about YOU at all.  It's 
> about keeping faulty information off this list so it can be useful for 
> people who search it for answers.
    Mark if you had read his request, it would help. He wants to store 
stuff on the big HD. I suggested he might want to do it so he can later 
put a systems on the big HD. To that end you need more partitions. You 
do not need to use them now.

    As your not able to understand it IS possible to make or re-make 
partitions. In fact you do not even like to talk about partitions. I 
think that is the problem. In any case if he wants later to do something 
the things I suggest make sense. And he will get his storage area he wanted.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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