Please help me mount my data HD

Adhika Widjaya adhikarexuss at
Sat Sep 27 16:22:18 UTC 2008

Hi Edgar,

Actually you don't need to reformat the drive if you still have some data
existed in that drive and you're willing to be able to read those data.

I suggest that you use the synaptic package manager to install the
*ntfs-3g*package. It might ask you to install other packages related
and needed by
this package, so what you need to do is just to let it install everything it

I hope this helps.

Adhika W. Widjaya
Linux user and Junior Oracle DBA

On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 00:08, Edgar Sarino <edgarsarino at> wrote:

> To ubuntu-users,
> Greetings.  I am new to ubuntu, but I thought that I would give it a try.
> I have a Dell Precision with two SCSI HDs - a 36 GB HD (onto which I
> installed ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition) and a data 137 GB HD, which I
> left alone.  I thought that the installer would automatically reformat both
> drives - instead, it left the 137 GB HD alone, and when I try to access it
> or view it, I get an error message which states that the drive has the NTFS
> file system and is therefore umountable.
> Question: How do I reformat the drive, and/or make the drive mountable?
> Thanks for your attention to this matter.
> - Edgar Sarino
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