
Jim Smith jim at
Sat Sep 27 05:38:03 UTC 2008

Pastor JW wrote:
> On Friday 26 September 2008 8:46:51 pm David Vincent wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> On 09/26/2008 05:17 PM, Jim Smith wrote:
>>>> Has anyone had success with this plugin?
>>> Nope. I tried to get it to work during the Olympics because the
>>> required Silverlight to view any of their videos and had zero luck. I
>>> then figured that I'd be 'smart' and try Silverlight from my VirtualBox
>>> Win2KPro installation... only to find out that MS's Silverlight only
>>> works on WinXP and above.  Good luck & if you do have any sucess
>>> w/Moonlight please post back with the solution.
>> me either.  it crashed firefox on facebook and on the microsoft site.  i
>> promptly uninstalled it, waiting for a later release.
> Which version of FireFox were you using?  Mine didn't crash, but it didn't 
> work any better than any other mickysoft thing I have ever tried so wasn't 
> too bummed.
Firefox 3.0.3 on Hardy running on a Sony laptop. Come to think of it, I
remember that it said Firefox 2.0 on the M$ Silverlite page. Perhaps M$
& Novell haven't got it ready for 3.x yet.


Its only a hobby, only a hobby, only a hobby, only a ho............

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