Fw: Compiz install problem

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 19:37:52 UTC 2008

Mandi wrote:
> Mandi wrote:
> > I was trying to install Compiz by following the instructions at
> >
> > 
> http://thegabfather.wordpress.com/2008/05/17/how-to-install-compiz-fusion-in-ubuntu-hardy-heron/
> >
> > and got to the end of step 1, the restart... it restarted, I signed
> > into Ubuntu and got white screen.
> (cut some stuff)
> Answer I got:
> Which version of Ubuntu are you using?  The current version is 8.04 and
> as of 7.10 Ubuntu comes with Compiz Fusion by default.  You need only
> install the drivers for your graphics card in the Hardware Drivers
> Manager, enable Desktop Effects and install the Compiz Fusion control
> panel to adjust its advanced settings such as various special effects
> and the rotating cube for switching between virtual desktops.
> Mandi again:
> Thanks for your reply :)
> .... If you notice the URL is including the words "how to install compiz
> fusion in ubuntu hardy heron... Hardy Heron (8.04) is actually
>  the version of Ubuntu that I'm using.
> I don't know why someone would go to the trouble of making this site
> telling people how to install if it is already installed.
> Well I'm not sure what else to tell you besides the fact I can't do 
> anything
> you say at all, even if I understood it, since my screen is white.
>  I can't see to do anything my screen is white there is nothing on my
> monitor but white. Do I need to totally reinstall Ubuntu?
>  or is there some other way to fix this white screen?
> Baby steps please, I'm a complete newbie.
> Thanks,
> Mandi
Ok, I'd do a fresh install of Hardy then just enable your graphics 
drivers, turn on Desktop Effects in the Appearances dialog under 
System~>Preferences and download the Compiz Fusion settings manager form 
Add/Remove Programs and you're all set.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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