giving groupe rw permission to thunderbird files

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Fri Sep 26 19:16:09 UTC 2008

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 2:42 PM, Linda <haniganwork at> wrote:
> Does anyone know how you can get thunderbird to give group rw
> permissions. I moved the profile to a  nfs and changed the permissions,
> but as soon as I access it, it changes files back to only user read
> write We have time share workers that I want to have use the same
> thunderbird profile but have different logins.

I'm hoping these people will never log in at the same time.  I bet
that would corrupt the files nicely.

Is it NFS or Thunderbird changing the permissions of the file?  (i.e.
if you access it locally does it change?)
If it's Thunderbird then setting the enclosing folder to permissions
to 2770 might keep things in line (I've not tested this)


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