Fw: Compiz install problem

Mandi vermandiw at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 26 17:03:45 UTC 2008

Mandi wrote:

> I was trying to install Compiz by following the instructions at
> http://thegabfather.wordpress.com/2008/05/17/how-to-install-compiz-fusion-in-ubuntu-hardy-heron/
> and got to the end of step 1, the restart... it restarted, I signed 
> into Ubuntu and got white screen.
(cut some stuff)

Answer I got: 

Which version of Ubuntu are you using?  The current version is 8.04 and 
as of 7.10 Ubuntu comes with Compiz Fusion by default.  You need only 
install the drivers for your graphics card in the Hardware Drivers 
Manager, enable Desktop Effects and install the Compiz Fusion control 
panel to adjust its advanced settings such as various special effects 
and the rotating cube for switching between virtual desktops.

Mandi again: 

Thanks for your reply :)

.... If you notice the URL is including the words "how to install compiz
fusion in ubuntu hardy heron... Hardy Heron (8.04) is actually 
 the version of Ubuntu that I'm using.

I don't know why someone would go to the trouble of making this site
telling people how to install if it is already installed. 
Well I'm not sure what else to tell you besides the fact I can't do anything
you say at all, even if I understood it, since my screen is white.
 I can't see to do anything my screen is white there is nothing on my 
monitor but white. Do I need to totally reinstall Ubuntu?
 or is there some other way to fix this white screen?

Baby steps please, I'm a complete newbie.


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