Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 13:15:35 UTC 2008
Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 15:57 -0500, Allen Meyers wrote:
>> I am new enough to linux and ubuntu to be unsure, but curious as to
>> what someone with 8.04 does to upgrade to 8.10.
> See http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/alpha6
>> Additionally does it make a difference is one is running kubuntu?
> I don't think it does, but check with someone who uses it :)
I've got a question. I used Feisty before Wubi was officially endorsed
by the Ubuntu Community and tried to upgrade to Gutsy. There were a lot
of issues and I had to wait until the Wubi Project developed a version
that worked with Gutsy. Now I'm using Hardy and its installed using Wubi.
In testing, I'm assuming there IS testing, has there been any
significant issues with people who used Wubi to install Hardy to
successfully upgrade to 8.10? I know about the NIC driver issues with
the test version of 8.10 and I think I read about some kind of kernel
problem but can't seem to find the thread. My current Kubuntu install
doesn't have anything unusual in it nor any off-the-way configurations
or programs installed that had to be compiled (haven't had to do that in
a long while).
Just wondering, can anyone answer this question?
Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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