screen resolution problems with Hardy Herron

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Fri Sep 26 13:05:18 UTC 2008

Harold Hartley wrote:
> Michael "TheZorch" Haney wrote:
>> Hal Martin wrote:
>>> Finally, someone else who noticed this problem. You'd think that they 
>>> would have improved the new utility by 8.04, or even 8.10, but nope.
>>> I get to enjoy the fun of 800x600 on my Intel integrated graphics on 
>>> 8.10 because I haven't found a fix yet that works...
>>> -Hal
>> I've brought this issue up with a group I'm a part of that have contacts 
>> within Canonical and the FSF and they totally agree with me that 
>> something needs to be done to fix this problem.
> I hope its soon as I'm tired of looking at a 640 x 480 screen when it 
> should be 1440 x 900 on my Widescreen HD display...
A temporary workaround is to use the old display resolution dialog from 
Hardy 7.10.

In a terminal type this command:

sudo displayconfig-gtk

You say be prompted for your password to use this command.

In the dialog box that appears you can choose your monitor settings 
either by manufacturer or you can try one of the default monitor types.  
Don't use Default Monitor, that's what defaulted to right now and 
is what locked you into 640x480.  You should be able to change your 
resolution to what you want it to be after this.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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