screen resolution problems with Hardy Herron

Harold Hartley harold_hartley at
Fri Sep 26 03:45:48 UTC 2008

Michael "TheZorch" Haney wrote:
> Hal Martin wrote:
>> Finally, someone else who noticed this problem. You'd think that they 
>> would have improved the new utility by 8.04, or even 8.10, but nope.
>> I get to enjoy the fun of 800x600 on my Intel integrated graphics on 
>> 8.10 because I haven't found a fix yet that works...
>> -Hal
> I've brought this issue up with a group I'm a part of that have contacts 
> within Canonical and the FSF and they totally agree with me that 
> something needs to be done to fix this problem.
I hope its soon as I'm tired of looking at a 640 x 480 screen when it 
should be 1440 x 900 on my Widescreen HD display...

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