Gilles Gravier
gilles at gravier.org
Fri Sep 26 11:55:00 UTC 2008
Ken McLennan wrote:
> G'day there Leonard,
>> Mario, Thanks for the clarification. I'll remember to use and tell about update manager and read the links. Still wonder about use of synaptic and adept in kde for version upgrades but maybe the links will address this or some more knowledgable kde user will chime in.
>> Thanks again for the clarification,
> I hardly think that I'm more knowledgeable than most people, but I
> always thought that it wouldn't matter what window manager/desktop
> environment you used. Synaptic and adept update whatever you have
> installed. If you use Gnome then it updates Gnome packages; if you use
> KDE then it updates KDE packages; if you use XFCE then it updates XFCE
> packages; if you use FVWM... (I think you can see where this is
> heading).
> The idea is that you update your Ubuntu installation in toto, not
> portions of it on an ad-hoc basis. The "Update Manager" manages your
> update and deals with whatever packages you have installed. At one
> time I had Gnome and KDE installed simultaneously and had no problems
> with updating. Everything was handled correctly with no problems. Of
> course, it took AAAAGES to download so many packages, but I blame that
> on my ISP and my poverty (can't afford a faster connection <g>).
Yes, that's the idea. When you do the update, it updates every installed
package in accordance to the new distribution schema. This means that if
some of the packages installed need to be removed, it will ask you if
you want to do so (if they have been deprecated and replaced by some
different mechanism). It will directly update every package that has a
more recent version in the new distro, and it will ADD any package
required by the new distro that may not be already present in the
current one.
This, regardless of which package manager you use, as long as it's one
that has been designed for Ubuntu and understands the complete
repository / upgrade means.
Actually, one way to look at this is that you can install Ubuntu... and
then elect to add full KDE on top... and have both... The upgrade will
upgrade both... will upgrade all.
/*Gilles Gravier*/ *=* *Gilles at Gravier.org* <mailto:Gilles at Gravier.org>
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