cant ping external website

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Sep 25 15:23:41 UTC 2008

On 09/25/2008 05:29 AM, Mark Haney wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> Can you please clarify? You do not use Ubuntu yet you are offering
>> advise on an Ubuntu support mailing list?
> Yes.  So?  Linux is linux.  Unless you've lived under a rock you should 
> know that.  There /are/ differences granted, but those are trivial most 
> of the time. Do I really need to run Ubuntu to answer most of the list 
> questions?  No.  I don't run Red Hat (or haven't in ages) and I answer 
> questions on their list as well.
> Are you saying that because I don't run it, that my experience is 
> useless?  Okay.  If that's what you think, fine. No skin off my nose. 
> I'll be sure to ignore your requests for help since obviously I can't 
> help you if I don't run Ubuntu.

You said that, I did not. However, if you are going to give advise
regarding _Ubuntu_, please research before responding. Countering others
advise regarding with:

> Well for starters never use 127.0.x.x for /anything/ other than the 
> loopback.  That's a bad idea.

isn't helpful. Particularly when Ubuntu uses at installation

>>> With that said, I still think it's silly to do that.  Back in the day 
>>> (like '93/4) that was considered taboo.  So I don't do it.
>> Cite please.
> Cite what?  Do I need to cite anything?  I'm not even sure I could pull 
> up the list discussion I was on at the time.
>> This has been the standard with debian (upon which Ubuntu is based) for
>> some time. See:
> Uh, I run Debian Sarge on 2 DNS servers and they are not setup that way. 
>     So, reference manual might say it, but the Debian boxes I manage 
> (and were here when I got here) do not have that setup.

In _Ubuntu_ removing and/or misconfiguring can cause startup
delays and a multitude of other issues (including breaking
update-manager, gksu, password authentication etc - search launchpad etc
for details).

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