update-manager Hugday
dereck at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 16:49:00 UTC 2008
Hash: SHA1
Fellow Ubuntu Lovers!
This week's HugDay target is *drum roll please* update-manager!
* 158 New bugs need a hug
* 104 Confirmed bugs just need a review
This is a very important hug day, first Intrepid Beta is about to be released an
d with is will no doubt be a surge of curious users ready to try out the new bet
a, lets try to give them a good run!
Bookmark it, add it to your calenders, turn over those egg-timers!
* Thursday September 25th
* http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080925
Can't stress it enough: everyone can help!
BLOG IT! Especially those on the Planet! There are people who want to
help but don't know how and sit on the sidelines of the blog-o-sphere
reading; I need your help to get those eyes from blogs to bugs. Let us
combine blog-powers to educate, "Bug work is a fun way to get involved!"
I think the best effect will be if we coordinate together in our blogs:
* Publish about the upcoming Hug Days to get everyone excited.
* Hug some bugs and add yourself to the HugDay's wiki for your readers!
Make a difference: We will be in #ubuntu-bugs (FreeNode) all day and
night, and will be ready to answer your questions about how to help.
If you're new to all this, head to
Have an awesome day,
(from the BugSquad)
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