send email from command line

Derek Broughton news at
Wed Sep 24 13:56:21 UTC 2008

Mark Haney wrote:

> mierda tuti wrote:

> I hate continuing to be the one to ask to not top post.  I give up.

OK, I'll pick up the ball.  Mierda - please don't top post.  It makes it
hard to have a conversation.
> Why would you need gmail to be the relay?  

Because gmail _is_ your mail server?  (It is mine)  Or because your ISP
doesn't do TLS? (mine doesn't)

> If you have kubuntu on your system have it use sendmail locally.  

Except sendmail (or any MTA) isn't part of a default Kubuntu.  If you just
want to install an MTA, postfix is the default.  For a single user machine,
masqmail is nice and simple.

> If you have an ISP, use their mail 
> server.  I don't understand the point of going through all this just to
> send mail to gmail.

It's the same amount of work sending mail via gmail as through any ISP (ok,
maybe not quite the same - gmail only does secure mail, your ISP may allow
cleartext).  One guesses Mierda wants to be able to send automated mails
from some system process - which is why the request for CLI.  So, assuming
the system has no MTA - or need for one - pine would probably be the best
bet (I think - I don't do CLI mail much, but iirc mutt - or mailx - doesn't
do SMTP, pine does).  

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