Sun Java installation issues

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Sep 23 21:17:19 UTC 2008

On 09/23/2008 01:01 PM, Diogo Böhm wrote:
> Depends on what you mean with "latest", there's a quite updated version on
> the repositories, which you can install accessing Synaptic and looking for
> "sun-java6-jre", or alternatively going to a console and typing "sudo
> apt-get install sun-java6-jre".
> Now, if you're talking about installing the latest Java JRE version,
> available on, that has different steps, mentioned in it's own page
> inside

To install from Sun:

Assuming that you have a 32bit system (do you?), go to:
and download the file for "Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 Update 7"
(unless you are adventurous and want to try Java SE 6 Update 10 RC).
Read the installation instructions from:
[Installation of Self-Extracting Binary]
You'll want this one to go in your /usr/lib/jvm directory so that you
can use it system-wide.

1. Open a terminal and cd to the directory where you downloaded the java
bin file.
2. Copy the bin:

sudo cp jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin /usr/lib/jvm

3. Unpack and install it:

cd /usr/lib/jvm
sudo chmod +x jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin
sudo ./jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin

Answer 'yes' to the license instructions. That will then install a
/usr/lib/jvm/jre1.6.0_07 folder. So assuming that you want to use this
version of Java in your Mozilla applications (FireFox, SeaMonkey) now
you need to create a symbolic link in your ~/.mozilla/plugins folder to
that installation.

4. Move back to the ~/.mozilla folder and make a plugins directory if
you do not already have one:

cd ~/.mozilla
mkdir plugins
cd plugins

5. Now make the symbolic link:

ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.6.0_07/plugin/i386/ns7/

And you should be good to go.

Now test java; open FireFox enter: about:plugins in the url bar and make
sure that you have the Java plugin and that it shows Java(TM) Plug-in
Go to: and click the "Do I have Java" link. The link
will perform a test and you should get the "You have the recommended
Java installed (Version 6 Update 7).".

In the future if you install Java 10 etc., follow the same procedures
and replace the old ~/.mozilla/plugins symlink to
to the new version that you installed so that it will be:
ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/<newversion>/plugin/i386/ns7/

Note: *Always* create a symbolic link to the Java plugin, rather than
copying actual to the ~/.mozilla/plugins folder.
Placing the actual file in ~/.mozilla/plugins will cause your browser to

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