Installation Error - 'asking for cashed data failed'

Mark Haney mhaney at
Tue Sep 23 17:57:33 UTC 2008

Chad Davis wrote:
> During the initial portion of an installation on a Dell 2851 Server, after choosing to Install the product this error appears:
> "asking for cashed data failed"
> "assuming drive cash write through"
> "asking for cashed data failed"
> "assuming drive cash write through"
> Previously a Raid 1 config existed w/2 drives and Windows Server 2003 Std. Edition installed.
> No changes to the cofig were made, just booted to the Ubuntu CD. 
> Any takers?

You say no changes were made to the config, so is Win2k3 still on there?

My guess is Ubuntu isn't playing nice with the RAID card.  Can you tell 
us what card it is?

In this case, I echo Derek, post the contents of dmesg and let us see 
what's going on.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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