Best E-Mail Client

John K Masters johnmasters at
Sun Sep 21 18:36:01 UTC 2008

--On 15 August 2008 20:21:27 -0400 David McNally <david3333333 at> 

> Hi Everyone.
> I'm looking for an email client that does everything that Microsoft
> Outlook does, and just as well (or better)
> I've tried Evolution, and, while it is good as an email client, it has
> problems with connecting to my Google Calender. I've also noticed some
> other problems with it.
> I've also tried Thunderbird, which is a fantastic email client, but it
> doesn't have a calender, which I do need.
> Needless to say, it must be open-source, and available in the Ubuntu
> repos.
> Thanks in advance,
> David

I know this is an old thread but I've just decided to try using Mulberry 
again after a lapse of several months. This mail client has improved 
dramatically and I think it may be what you are looking for. It is 
extremely configureable, has calendar and address book functionality with 
the ability to connect to Google Calendars and just about anything else. 
I've only been playing with it for the last few hours but I am extremely 
impressed. It's nearly as good as Mutt :)

Regards, John

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