Anyway to do a compile c++ on 8.04 to run on 6.04

Gilles Gravier gilles at
Sat Sep 20 06:42:13 UTC 2008

Linda, this is typically one of the situations that is answered by the
use of virtualization.

Install VirtualBox :
(it's free)

Then install 6.06 LTS in VirtualBox. Do all your tests on that
virtualized environment.

You can also install an 8.04 LTS in that same way (VirtualBox lets you
create multiple virtual machines) and test future apps on 8.04 without
risking your production systems.


Linda Hanigan wrote:
> Is there anyway to compile c++ programs on 8.04 LTS to run on 6.04 LTS.
> I won't be ready to upgrade our business computers for another month,
> but I would like to try some new stuff I am compiling so I can get some
> feedback. Can you compile to run with the older libraries? 
>                     Thanks
>                     Linda

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