Symbian Helix Player (was Relicensing the AMR codec for inclusion in Ubuntu)

Mumia W. paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at
Fri Sep 19 18:45:46 UTC 2008

On 09/19/2008 10:14 AM, daxlinux at wrote:
> Kinda o/t, but I have been trying to get this for my PDA. 
> [...] Do I need to create a login account in 
> order to get this file? 


> Seems unusual, but may be the case. Is there 
> somewhere else I should be looking other than the link that says I can 
> get a binary "here"?

No. Helix 3.0 for Symbian is unfinished. If you are using it, you are 
either a developer or a tester, and Helix will need to talk with you.

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