Symbian Helix Player (was Relicensing the AMR codec for inclusion in Ubuntu)

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Sep 19 16:17:13 UTC 2008

On 09/19/2008 08:14 AM, daxlinux at wrote:
> Kinda o/t, but I have been trying to get this for my PDA. The problem
> is that I can't seem to find the download for the latest version. The
> link above mentions a version 3.0 that is available for s60 2nd and
> 3rd editions, but after following the links I can only download a much
> older 1.0 version from the regular player download page which seems as
> though it may be somewhat outdated. There is no mention of 3.0 on that
> page and the latest date on any file there is early 2007, the symbian
> version I believe having a 2005 date. The link that was supposed to
> take me to a binary of 3.0 instead took me to a login page which I
> believe is probably for developers rather than people who are trying
> to download the player. Is there a more direct link that can allow me
> to download the installer for 3.0 s60 2nd edition? Or should I be
> looking in a different place? Do I need to create a login account in
> order to get this file? Seems unusual, but may be the case. Is there
> somewhere else I should be looking other than the link that says I can
> get a binary "here"?
> Thanks for any help,
> Lorenzo
  Current Project:

    * HelixPlayer for Symbian v3.0
and then register.

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