hp laserjet 4250 and CUPS options

Linda Hanigan haniganwork at earthlik.net
Fri Sep 19 15:07:22 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 10:37 -0400, Brian McKee wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 9:15 AM, Linda Hanigan <haniganwork at earthlik.net> wrote:
> > I've been working at home converting programs that code pcl6 to
> > postscript and printing to an hp laserjet 1320. With the 1320 the CUPS
> > lpr -o options like sides= works fine. I did a test run at work on our
> > laserjet 4250 and although the postscript files print fine it ignores
> > any options in the CUPS  lpr command. Has anyone gotten the options to
> > work I need to be able to turn duplexing on and off and direct printing
> > to the envelope feeder.
> > Otherwise with pcl I send everything -o raw. Does it work to send the
> > pcl command to indicate duplexing or tray and than start the
> > postscript.
> Hi Linda
> I don't think mixing PCL and PS will work - I'd bet the printer will
> figure it's a new job, not a continuation.
> What exactly is the lpr command you used that didn't work?  AFAIK,
> CUPS itself sends the options that way - it kinda has to work...  I've
> used them myself.  Is it possible that you are using LPR not CUPS on
> the system that it doesn't work on?  I'm not sure that CUPS and
> LPR/those other print systems all implement the same options.
> The other possibility is that the printer as configured in cups
> doesn't have those options, so the filter doesn't pass them along.
> Another guess....
> I'd be happy to blat a few print jobs at the printers here if you've
> got examples.  I've got no HPs to try on though.
> Brian
The command I am trying to use is lpr -o sides=two-sided-long-edge I
figured I would get this to work before I tried the media option. 

The printer is set up with CUPS since I use CUPS to manage it and the
lpr -o raw option works. It is possible that the ps print driver doesn't
recognize the duplex option although it shows it is present.  Would it
make sense to try installing the printer to a windows xp machine with
the postscript driver so I can copy the ppd file and use it with CUPS?
Could I get away with replacing the existing ppd file and restarting
cups or would I need to install the new driver?

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