Dean C. Cole
dean at
Thu Sep 18 15:27:37 UTC 2008
*Excellent suggestion. I'll give it a try. I'll let you all know how
it turns out. Thanks.
ubuntu-users-request at wrote:
> Send ubuntu-users mailing list submissions to
> ubuntu-users at
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Blocked UDP Ports (Nils Kassube)
> 2. How conect a MFC-240c brother (Alfredo Lopez)
> 3. Re: ubuntu and music (Brian McKee)
> 4. Re: Audacity 1.3.2 beta is hogging all my RAM on a simple
> import (Brian McKee)
> 5. Re: How conect a MFC-240c brother (Carl Friis-Hansen)
> 6. Re: usb dial up modems (squareyes)
> 7. Re: How conect a MFC-240c brother (Rashkae)
> 8. Re: Blocked UDP Ports (Dustin Breese)
> 9. Rplot Graph Generator (Shreyasee)
> 10. Re: How conect a MFC-240c brother (NoOp)
> 11. Re: Audacity 1.3.2 beta is hogging all my RAM on a simple
> import (David Fox)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 13:09:19 +0200
> From: Nils Kassube <kassube at>
> Subject: Re: Blocked UDP Ports
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Message-ID: <200809181309.19147.kassube at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Dean C. Cole wrote:
>> *I still have the blocked UDP port problem. I'm trying to run Echolink
>> on my Ubuntu 8.04.1 box under Wine 1.0. I have the firewalls disabled
>> on both my Linux box and my WindowsXP box. Echolink runs under Windows
>> but complains the UDP ports are blocked when trying to run under Linux.
> What did you change after your first post that you would expect any
> change? And is echolink supposed to run under wine at all? Did you try to
> install svxlink instead which is a native Linux replacement for echolink?
> Nils
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 13:16:33 +0000
> From: Alfredo Lopez <liclopez at>
> Subject: How conect a MFC-240c brother
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general"
> <ubuntu-users at>
> Message-ID: <BLU140-W4151C0F73A9B5CD2B60305C54F0 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I have a computer with ubuntu 8.4 and a multifunctional printer brother MFC-240, I download the driver in the brother page but when I try install the printer do not recognize and said cup error Error del servidor CUPS
> What I need to do
> Lic Alfredo L?pez Vargas
> Abogado & Notario
> tel 506-88365072 tel/fax 506-22910243
> _________________________________________________________________
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 09:22:08 -0400
> From: "Brian McKee" <brian.mckee at>
> Subject: Re: ubuntu and music
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Message-ID:
> <cc77dabe0809180622k12dd6ae4x82900bec3935adcc at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 6:19 PM, (``-_-??) -- Fernando
> <ubuntu at> wrote:
>> Ol? Neil e a todos.
>> On Tuesday 16 September 2008 14:03:47 Neil wrote:
>>> Usually it takes a while before the last version of Wine has reached
>>> the Ubuntu repositories. You might want to add the Wine repositories @
>>> to stay up to date if it is
>>> this important to you.
>> This is FUD. Really stop it, if you dont know what you are talking about.
>> Scott Ritchie has been making a WONDERFUL job by packing any version (or patch) of wine to most of Ubuntu versions, as soon as they came out, and making them FULLY compatible with Ubuntu system policies.
>> Wine repo cant do that.
>> So please just use the Ubuntu version, that you are going to get very well served.
> Can you point to some information that more clearly defines the
> differences between the official versions and the winehq-budget
> versions? Not trolling!
> Shortly after Hardy came out I had a few programs that worked with the
> winehq versions that didn't with the official versions. I don't know
> why - it's quite likely I could have made the official versions work,
> but I have an aversion to twiddling with wine, since it's a Sisyphean
> task. I 'pinned' the packages and haven't upgraded since, because I
> know regressions in wine are the norm not the exception. Since then
> I've seen updates to both, and wondered how it all relates.
> Anyone have some authoritative info?
> Brian
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 09:26:19 -0400
> From: "Brian McKee" <brian.mckee at>
> Subject: Re: Audacity 1.3.2 beta is hogging all my RAM on a simple
> import
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
> <ubuntu-users at>
> Message-ID:
> <cc77dabe0809180626g6c9c8f9cgd2509db20965ce48 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 12:26 AM, David Fox <dfox94085 at> wrote:
>> I tried converting stereo to mono (after all, it's a talk radio
>> recording) to save time and space, but that broke, got a segmentation
>> fault 13 minutes later for my trouble.
> I *think* sox will do that 'on the fly' so to speak and thus doesn't
> care how big the file is. If not mencoder likely can do it too. I'm
> assuming here it's Audacity that died trying to convert it for you.
> As another random thought - how about using mp3split to deal with it
> in smaller chunks at a time?
> Brian
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 15:38:58 +0200
> From: Carl Friis-Hansen <ubuntuuser at>
> Subject: Re: How conect a MFC-240c brother
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
> <ubuntu-users at>
> Message-ID: <48D259F2.90503 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Alfredo Lopez wrote:
>> I have a computer with ubuntu 8.4 and a multifunctional printer brother
>> MFC-240, I download the driver in the brother page but when I try
>> install the printer do not recognize and said cup error Error del
>> servidor CUPS
>> What I need to do
> This is from the Brother site:
> <snip>
> Linux users can download from the LPR and CUPSwrapper
> drivers here:
> They work on i386 Ubuntu, but did NOT install on Ubuntu-64 bit for me, I
> could not get the --force-architecture command to work on Ubuntu-64
> Gutsy Gibbon 7.10. Installed nicely running i386 Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.05
> on the AMD64 platform with the 32 bit OS. For this and other software
> issues, I gave up the Ubuntu 64bit OS for the 32 bit OS, and glad I did,
> end of endless work-arounds.
> </snip>
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