64 bit or 32 bit ubuntu

Mark Haney mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Wed Sep 17 16:30:48 UTC 2008

bill biggs wrote:
> What it is I have installed crossover and I installed it and it not
> showing up in the applications like it dose in 32bit and I installed
> netbeans 6.1 and I do not think it is working rignt I made a css file in
> it I link it but it not working how much ram will I lose if I move to 32
> bit ?

Please, don't top post.  It makes it hard to keep the thread straight. 
I'm not sure I still understand your problem.  You installed what? 
Crossover Office? And it didn't put anything in the Menu?  Have you 
tried starting the apps from the command line?  I bet it would work that 
way just fine.  Someone will have to verify that since I"ve never used CO.

And if you went back to 32-bit you won't lose any RAM.  It's just that 
64-bit applications get a major performance boost if that amount is 
available.  I'm assuming of course the latest Ubuntu kernels are built 
with PAE enabled.  They should be.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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