Changing Screen Resolution

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Tue Sep 16 16:59:45 UTC 2008

James Takac wrote:
> Hi
> On Monday 15 September 2008 04:50:49 San Goldberger wrote:
>> Just Installed Ubuntu, very impressed so far. But having trouble changing
>> my screen resolution to somthing normale.  Just after installing Ubuntu it
>> was fine untill I downloaded all the updates and driver for my Nvidia
>> graphics card. Since restart system has been teribble to work with. Under
>> SYSTEM PREFRENCES, Screen Resolution, it only gives me an option up to
>> 640x480 Max
>> Please any help will be appriciated.
> You haven't given very much detail here but I suspect you haven't enabled your 
> nVidia's restricted driver. Try going through
> System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager
> and check the driver for your nVida card if it's not already checked. I 
> believe then you'll need to either reboot or log out and back in using CTRL + 
> James
I'm sorry Goldberger but some people on this list don't know how to read 
people's posts.  You clearly wrote that you installed the driver and 
rebooted, and after that your resolution was limited to 640x480.  Anyone 
on this list should then immediately understand that this means the 
driver is enabled because this problem has come up several times 

To correct this problem in Ubuntu you need to shutdown, and then 
you run the reconfigure program.

First you use this to shutdown
(Please note, this is where I had trouble.  For me this only restarted instead of shutting it down, but it might work for you.)

If that doesn't work open a terminal and use this:
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop

You should get a text login prompt, login with your username and 
password and at the command prompt use this command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Follow the prompts, keep the selected options until you get to the 
settings for your monitor.  Once you reboot and starts you should 
be able to change your screen resolution.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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