[Bulk] Re: problems mounting nfs share

John Hubbard ender8282 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 16 03:25:32 UTC 2008

Brian McKee wrote:
> Is statd running?  Is it blocked by a firewall?
>   eg on my hardy box
> statd     4261  0.0  0.1   1896   712 ?        Ss   04:59   0:00 /sbin/rpc.statd
> What does sudo showmount -e on both client and server show?
> Brian
statd is running on the server but not on the client. On the client I 
did an 'apt-get install statd' and was informed that it was already the 
newest version. I have tried a 'statd' and a 'sudo statd' on the client 
and both commands just hang until I give up with a ctrl+c.

showmount -e shows:
/srv/files/backup *
on the server.
On the client it hangs. The client does not have an /etc/exports as I 
don't want to export any folders on my laptop which roams onto different 


To be or not to be, that is the question
                2b || !2b
(0b10)*(0b1100010) || !(0b10)*(0b1100010)
        0b11000100 || !0b11000100
        0b11000100 || 0b00111011
        255, that is the answer.

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