Ubuntu Wireless question: was Re: Ubuntu Studio question

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 15 15:39:04 UTC 2008

On 09/14/2008 06:17 AM, Michael Falkenburg wrote:
> Hello.
> Perhaps this question should be directed to a Studio-related forum, but 
> when you see the nature of the "dilemma" you'll understand WHY I've sent 
> it here...
> What I'm experiencing (on a different box) is that with in a matter of 
> minutes the initially strong(70-100%)wireless connection is dropped. 
> Sometimes it'll happen while email is downloading, sometimes it's while 
> file updates are taking place.
> I'm open to any suggestions as to how to solve this deal. Please ask any 
> questions that you might need for clarification.
> However, if you ask me about  WHAT such-and-such information might be 
> (like, for the current setup),  please also inform ME about how to go 
> about finding that info that you need.
> Linux is new for me...can you tell?
> Thanks-in-advance,
> Michael

Have a look through this:
to see if you can find anything obvious. Then post back with information
that you tried using that guide + wireless device & system info.

I'd also recommend using google for your device using the search term
prefaced by 'ubuntu' - example: ubuntu +<device>. That generally will
get you hits for the ubuntu forum, this list, and launchpad the Ubuntu
bug reporting system. From those you can generally find out if others
are having similar issues. You can also try a direct search in launchpad by:

and enter the wireless device in the search box. That may or may not
find anything.

  Same for launchpad answers:
Note that in 'answers' if you don't find anything for your device, you
can file a question there & someone (generally) will work with you to
try and resolve the issue - similar to the way that this list _usually_

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