Virtualbox performance issues

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at
Mon Sep 15 14:39:10 UTC 2008

Paul Kaplan wrote:
> On Monday 15 September 2008 02:27:59 Gilles Gravier wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I recommend using the non open source edition. There are features
>> that aren't present in the OSE (RDP, which might not be useful to
>> you, USB which is VERY useful for me, SATA...).
>> Then, I recommend using a more recent build like 1.6.6 (2.0.0 is
>> riddled with bugs, 2.0.2 does a better job, but give'm a bit of
>> time to clean it up a bit).
>> Nowadays, when you install VirtualBox, you have the latest,
>> matching version of the host extensions... And the best way to
>> install them is directly in the menu that appears in the guest OS
>> window menus.
>> Gilles
>> Keith Clark wrote:
>>> I am running Virtualbox 1.5.6_OSE and am experiencing very poor
>>>  perfomance.  I have 4 GB RAM installed and still my mouse is
>>> very jerky and slow to respond and my desktop is limited to
>>> 800x600 resolution.
>>> I have guest additions installed and it seems to really do
>>> nothing that I noticed.
>>> I'm looking for suggestions on what to try next.  I've tried
>>> asking the same question over at Virtualbox's sight and have
>>> gotten no response at all, well except other users with the
>>> same issues.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Keith
> Most of my VB experience has been with using WinXP as a guest.  The
> biggest penalty to performance I've seen is when WinXP is set to
> access shared folders as network locations rather than as mapped
> drive lettters.  If I attempted anything that required a network
> call, WinXP would think for upwards of 30 sec making it almost
> unusably slow.
> This annoyance improved some thru 1.6, but after that, I gave up
> networking in favor with mapped drives.  Even with four mapped
> drives, WinXP/VB is pretty snappy. Paul

Concur. The first time accessing a mapped network drive there's a
thinking wait, but from then on it's just like being there. BTW, I'm
successfully running 2.0.2 now on Hardy 8.04, after some problems with
writing to shared folders on 2.0.0.
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