wine handles an app weirdly

Vitorio Okio ovitorio at
Sun Sep 14 22:13:14 UTC 2008

I have a little Windows app which under Windows does not require 
installation.  When started the first time, it creates in its own 
directory three files with desired configuration options I choose at that 
time.  The next time started it simply uses those files.

I copied the folder with the app and old config files to my Ubuntu 
desktop and here what I have.

1. If I open the app folder in Nautilus and then either double click on 
the app_name.exe file or select "Open with 'Wine Windows Program Loader'" 
it starts and uses the existing config files without any problems.

2. If I create a launcher to the app in its own folder (did it just for a 
test sake) it also works correctly as described above.

If instead:

1. I move (either copy or drag-and-drop) the launcher created in the app 
folder to any other location (in my case it was Desktop);


2. I open a console and execute 

'cd /path_to_app_folder/app_name.exe' 
and then 
'wine app_name.exe';


3. I create a launcher with the command 'wine /path_to_app_folder/

then in all last 3 cases the app starts but ignores the existing config 
files.  Instead it behaves like was started at the very first time.  That 
is, it creates new config files.  What is bad it creates them in my /home/
user_name/ directory instead of its own folder as expected.

This prevents me of creating a launcher to the app_name.exe since I just 
hate having its config files wondering at a wrong place.

Any idea why the app is handled by Wine so differently in the described 
cases?  And how to get around of it, if at all possible?

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