cannot find files or directories

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Sat Sep 13 14:11:10 UTC 2008

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 7:04 PM, Verde Denim <tdldev at> wrote:
> I was ssh'ed onto the second box in one termina and
> in a terminal on the first box in the other terminal.

Typing in the wrong terminal is a Unix tradition!

(I keep telling myself that)

This helps me (from my .profile - .bash_profile is probably more
technically correct)

# This will put the username, hostname and current directory on two lines
# at every bash prompt. The third line is a yellow ==> for a prompt.
PS1="\[\033[0;37m\]\n   \u\n   \w   \n\[\033[1;33m\]==> \[\033[0m\]"


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