
Ken McLennan kenrmcl at aapt.net.au
Sat Sep 13 12:10:03 UTC 2008

G'day there Gilles,

> I haven't tried that yet. I'm frustrated that VirtualBox doesn't do 
> OpenGL display inside... I would have all I need, then, to have Ubuntu 
> as my main OS and VirtualBox just for the few odd apps in Windows that 
> don't have their exact or better equiv on Linux.
    I'm not sure how it works. I thought that the screens from within 
would still be displayed by whatever was running under Linux, but that's 
just my opinion with nothing to support it.

>>> I'll need to post REAL fast.
>>     Can you touch type your emails?
> Yes... hence my many spelling mistakes. :D
    At least I now know I'm not the only one. I can type either quickly 
or accurately, but they are mutually exclusive (depending how much 
coffee I've drunk).

> Hehe... They have a group of 7 wisemen at the head... Have a lot of 
> explaining to do.
    Are they really wise men? or politicians?

> Yes! I see the lake. :)
    That must be nice. Our water views here consist of the drain across 
the road when there's heavy rain :)

> Well... My local post office is rather slow as well... sorry, 
> Australia doesn't have the monopoly here. :)
    Monopoly...   the world's most boring board game. Or is that "bored 

See ya
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