
Gilles Gravier gilles at gravier.org
Fri Sep 12 13:04:16 UTC 2008


Ken McLennan wrote:
> G'day there Gilles,
>> So... FYI, TomTom's software (TomTomHome)... version 1.0 works under
>> CrossoverOffice (i.e. really good WINE)... on Ubuntu... but
>> TomTomHome version 2.0 doesn't. Thing is... more modern TomTom
>> devices require TomTomHome 1.0... but my Nokia E61i runs the older
>> TomTom Navigator, which uses TomTomHome 1.0... and that works like a
>> charm on Ubuntu/CrossoverOffice!
>     Thanks for the heads up. I don't have Crossover, just
> OpenOffice.Org so when I finally get a navigator I'll just have to
> play to see what's what. If necessary I supposed I can always use XP
> in VirtualBox. I do that anyway to write software for work (Excel VB
> applications) so it's already on my system anyway. I just prefer to
> use Xubuntu if possible. (BTW, so as not to confuse anyone - I'm not a
> spreadsheet guru, nor am I a VB programmer except as a hobby. I write
> apps for my office since no one else does and maybe, just maybe, one
> day someone will say "Thankyou" to me for doing it <g> ).
I haven't tried that yet. I'm frustrated that VirtualBox doesn't do
OpenGL display inside... I would have all I need, then, to have Ubuntu
as my main OS and VirtualBox just for the few odd apps in Windows that
don't have their exact or better equiv on Linux.
>> I'll need to post REAL fast.
>     Can you touch type your emails?
Yes... hence my many spelling mistakes. :D

>> Fortunately, I don't live IN Switzerland,
>     I'm sure the Swiss will be happy to hear you say that :) (You
> might have to explain to their Grand Poobah that I took your comments
> out of context).

Hehe... They have a group of 7 wisemen at the head... Have a lot of
explaining to do.
>> so packets leaving my home don't flow through CERN or near it... I
>> live in France just across the lake...
>     Aquatic views from the window?
Yes! I see the lake. :)
>> so there's a chance of things arriving to you in time. :)
>     Not if you send it via Australia Post!!
Well... My local post office is rather slow as well... sorry, Australia
doesn't have the monopoly here. :)

> See ya
> Ken

/*Gilles Gravier*/ *=* *Gilles at Gravier.org* <mailto:Gilles at Gravier.org>
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"De toutes les aberrations sexuelles, la chasteté est la plus
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