Apache2 questions

Ashley Benton chuaukantli at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 11:49:06 UTC 2008

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:27 PM, Kim Briggs <patiodragon at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 9/12/08, Ashley Benton <chuaukantli at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I set up apache2 and php on ubuntu 8.04 but there are a few things that I
> am
> > not sure to understand correctly which are the use of httpd and aliases.
> > First I want one directory to contains everything used on apache (html
> > files, css files, php files, pictures..) In this directory I want
> > subdirectories, one for pictures,one for css, one for each site I am
> > testing. My trouble is if I anything in a directory inside the directory
> > that doesn't show up on internet, only what is in the main directory
> shows
> > up.
> >  I wanted to create a webpage in the main directory which would link to
> any
> > other directory containing the sites as well as the pictures directory or
> > whatever.
> > I read about virtual host which could work to separate the sites but
> > wouldn't work for the pictures..
> Hi Meg,
> I don't understand what is special about the pictures directory that
> somehow makes it not work for other types of files.  My computer is so
> dumb, I don't think it even knows the difference... (joke!).  Here is
> what I use to make apache2 at home an exact match of my site on a
> shared hosting environment:
> http://kimbriggs.com/computers/computer-notes/linux-notes/apache2-public_html-virtual-directories.file
> good luck,

Thanks. I saw that you did things a little differently that what I have
done. I will try a few changes tonight or tomorrow and see if my pictures
finally come back, (they don't show up anymore since I installed PHP5) Not a
big deal as I am testing to learn but I'd like to understand why before to
go on and learn more.
The last couple of day I tried to alias the folders and it worked on one
computer but not the other. I guess I made a mistake somewhere, so I have
some more testing to do.

Thank you


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