problem with USB paralell interface

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Sep 13 03:07:54 UTC 2008

On 09/12/2008 11:27 AM, Alfredo Lopez wrote:
> Sorry my English is not very well, the printer el Panasonic KXP-1124
> is Parallel, the interface Manhattan is Parallel-USB, the computer is
> Sony Vaio, I guess you are right, there are one incompatibility in
> the software who handle the USB port in the computer, but I dont know
> how fix it. Thanks for your time

Assuming that this is a Sony Vaio desktop, move the usb to one of the
back ports on the Vaio & reboot - don't just log off/on, reboot. The
front USB ports on Sony Vaio's are known to have weak/noisy USB signals
on them. If that doesn't work, please provide the output of these
commands from the terminal:

	(with the device plugged in)
	(with the device unplugged)
dmesg|grep usb

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