cannot find files or directories

Milos Mandaric mandzo18 at
Fri Sep 12 22:55:00 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 16:55 -0400, Verde Denim wrote:
> Hash: SHA1 
> Could someone tell me why which and whereis cannot find a program
> which has just been installed?
> I just installed xCHM. If I go to the menu editor I find the name of
> the program without a path (presumably because it can find the file in
> the path).
> But, I have a couple of chm files in an additional hard disk mounted
> as /usr3, and neither xCHM nor firefox can see this.
> ( I tested ff by going to file --> open, and the directory does not
> appear).
> I tried running updatedb after the install, but the program is still
> not locate-able with either 'which' or 'whereis' ...
> What am I missing?
> Jack
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For the first problem, when you run xCHM from menu, run in console:
ps aux | grep xCHM

For the second, you probably didn't do something right in /etc/fstab,
what you get when you do:
ls -l / | grep usr3

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