nVidia problems

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Fri Sep 12 18:55:05 UTC 2008

    As some of you know there is a corporation called nVidia that is 
traded and it is going down in price. This is because a number of people 
have brought a Class Action Suit against them. It alleges that nVidia 
lied about how easy it is to use their product. It was at above $35 a 
share and today it is $10.

    I had trouble with their chip and still do. But it appears to be a 
poor cooling devise that causes my problem. But we still hear people on 
this list who, when we can get them to tell us, are having a nVidia problem.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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