Question about firestarter

Dustin Breese dustin.breese at
Fri Sep 12 14:45:46 UTC 2008

Hi, Christian,

I just looked at something similar this morning for another post.

I assume you meant POLICY tab, not PRIVACY tab.

If so, then to enable the ADD RULE button, you must first select one
of the tables on the tab.  There are two tables which are selectable
(the third appears to be grayed out).

The first table is "Allow connections from host" which allows you to
specify an IP address so that all traffic is allowed.  To select this
table when the "Policy Tab" widget is active, you can just hit TAB
TAB.  Then the ADD RULE button becomes active so you can add a rule
for that table.

The next table is "Allow Service" which allows you to enable a
specific PORT, optionally restricting it to a host, subnet, etc.  To
select this table when the "Policy Tab" widget is active, you must hit
TAB three times.  Then the ADD RULE button becomes active.

I hope this helps you?


On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Christian <christian08 at> wrote:
> HI all,
> I need some help with the Firestarter interface. Running Ubuntu Hardy.
> I have been using the command based firewall, ufw, but I decided to give Firestarter a try as well. ufw has been working fine for my needs, but decided to give this a try.
> I am visually impaired so I am using the Orca screen reader for Gnome.
> My problem is adding a rule. I am able to use the tab key to move through the interface and set some of its settings. When I change to the privacy tab I am not able to do anything. I have used Orcas reading commands and found the button to add a rule but nothing happens when i click on that. I am placed in a table wich is empty.
> Can someone please tell me if I need to select something before I can add a rule? I selected to change rules for inbound traffic from the combo box.
> Can someone please try to add a rule just by using their keyboard?
> Well, I can learn how to enter rules manually into IPTables, but havent done it yet.
> Many thanks for any help,
> Christian
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