Gilles Gravier
gilles at gravier.org
Fri Sep 12 09:00:40 UTC 2008
Ken McLennan wrote:
>> (are all the aussies called Ken?
> Only the remarkably good looking ones who exhibit a kind of boyish
> charm and sparkling intellect :)
Ah... figures! :)
>> the name of the "australian accented" voice for my TomTom is called
>> "Ken"...)
> Hmmm... there must be a few of us around. I've not got a TomTom
> (or one of similar ilk) as yet, but it's on my list of "Stuff to get".
So... FYI, TomTom's software (TomTomHome)... version 1.0 works under
CrossoverOffice (i.e. really good WINE)... on Ubuntu... but TomTomHome
version 2.0 doesn't. Thing is... more modern TomTom devices require
TomTomHome 1.0... but my Nokia E61i runs the older TomTom Navigator,
which uses TomTomHome 1.0... and that works like a charm on
>> Oh well... the world as we know it is about to change, right? I live
>> just a mere 30km from the CERN. :D
> Ahaaaa!!! Can you post to the list if they generate a Black
> Hole and the world disappears? After all, you'll be one of the very
> first to find out :)
I'll need to post REAL fast. Fortunately, I don't live IN Switzerland,
so packets leaving my home don't flow through CERN or near it... I live
in France just across the lake... so there's a chance of things arriving
to you in time. :)
/*Gilles Gravier*/ *=* *Gilles at Gravier.org* <mailto:Gilles at Gravier.org>
ICQ : *77488526*
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PGP Key ID : *0x8DE6D026*
"Chastity is its own punishment." (/Solomon Short/) [/David Gerrold/]
"De toutes les aberrations sexuelles, la chasteté est la plus
aberrante." [Anatole France]
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