phantom files

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Thu Sep 11 19:58:32 UTC 2008

On Thursday 11 September 2008 11:41:42 am John Masters wrote:
> On 11 Sep 2008, at 19:36, Karl Larsen wrote:
> > Derek Broughton wrote:
> >> Mark Haney wrote:
> >>> Here's my take.  (and OPINION only)  I think that the majority of
> >>> Ubuntu
> >>> users are from the Windows world.  Ubuntu is pretty good for getting
> >>> n00bs on to linux.
> >
> >    If your over 50 years old, 100% of you are old Windows and/or DOS
> > users. That was what was there before Linux. I enjoyed my old 1984
> > 100%
> > Microsoft capable clone for many years with DOS on it. I recall in
> > College about 5% of the students bought DOS and the other 95% borrowed
> > from them. DOS was the original free operating system :-)
> >
> >    Since then they have spent big bucks making it hard to copy the
> > latest Windows.
> In actual fact Karl, Unix predates DOS by about 10 years.

Well over 50, but have never been either a windoze or msdos user although we 
did have disk operating systems on several platforms.   I also programed via 
punchcards in college!  I had an Altair, a Pet, a C64, a C128, an Amiga 1000, 
a couple of Amiga 3000UX machines,  two Amiga 2000 video Toasters, an Amiga 
4000,  2 AmigaXL machines both of which are now running Mandriva 2008.1 and 
the latest, 2 Dell 1525n laptops!  Not one of those machines ever had any 
m'soft stuff even near them.  I did however repair other people's machines, 
was considered the best tech in town, but counted my blessings every day that 
I did not have to use such a horrible system.  Being near windoze users each 
day provided me with quite enough bad language!

Now WHY are deleted files showing back up?  Windoze used to just erase the 
first letter when "deleting" something, that the kinda thing we are 
doing in Ubuntu?    

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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