Vbox 2.0.0 upgrade on Ubuntu Hardy AMD64 blowing up

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 10 03:36:43 UTC 2008

On 09/09/2008 07:11 PM, Steven Davies-Morris wrote:
> I'm running an AMD Athlon X2 dual core 5200+ processor with 4gb of
> RAM. When I start the Vbox (non OSE) virtual I typically give it
> 1.5gb. It's been running great with hardly any issues for several
> months other than Explorer sometimes locking up for no good reason.
> This morning on a whim, seeing that there's a 2.0.0 out there and I
> missed the 1.6.6 revision, I decided to upgrade. Since then my virtual
> windows has crashed into the blue screen of death five times while
> doing usenet downloads using Newsbin (which has been very stable on
> this platform until today). If I leave it sitting on the desktop doing
> nothing happens, as I'd hope would be the case.
> So I uninstalled the 2.0.0 Vbox, then reinstalled it, did a chkdsk c:
> /F in case there was any MFT corruption (none), then reloaded the
> 2.0.0 guest additions. But it keeps blowing up in the same way.
> Has anyone else experienced this kind of blue screen crash since 2.0.0
> was released? If so, what did you do about it? Are you still on 2.0.0,
> and if so are you living with intermittent failure, or have you just
> returned to an earlier revision? (i.e. 1.6.6 or 1.5.4)
> On the whole I'm impressed with the stability and functionality of the
> Vbox product. It does what I want when I need to go into Windows. But
> right now I'm cursing myself and hitting my head with a hammer for
> not letting sleeping dogs lie/fixing something that wasn't broken!

I've had no problems w/VB2.0x - 4 machines w/Win2KPro guests]

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